08:30h - 08:45h
Welcome from FEBS
Milagros Medina
08:30h - 08:45h
Petra Fromme
08:30h - 09:00h
Human γ-d-crystallin: A model system for protein UV photostability
Briony Yorke
08:30h - 09:00h
Time-resolved X-ray crystallography on membrane proteins: Watching ions moving in time and space.
Przemyslaw Nogly
08:30h - 09:00h
Ultrafast response of hydrogen-bonded networks in proteins
Karsten Heyne
11:00h - 11:30h
Probiing multiscale conformational dynamics in proteins and DNA with time-resolved circular dichroism from femtoseconds to milliseconds
Pascale Changenet
11:00h - 11:30h
Making light work of enzyme catalysis – understanding how photoenzymes work
Derren Heyes
11:00h - 11:30h
Photosynthetic proteins in action! Towards a real time investigation of how light harvesting is regulated in photosynthetic organisms
Nicoletta Liguori
11:00h - 11:30h
Junko Yano
14:45h - 15:15h
Time-resolved crystallography captures light-driven DNA repair
Thomas Lane
14:45h - 15:15h
Integrated structural dynamics of a B12-dependent photoreceptor
Martin Weik
14:45h - 15:05h
Entangling the mechanisms of biomolecular photoactivation by combining structure and quantum chemistry
Tatiana Domratcheva
09:00h - 09:30h
Uncovering Chromophore/Protein Dynamics with the aid of Computational Spectroscopic Methods
Prokopis Andrikopoulos
09:00h - 09:30h
Time-resolved serial crystallography: the quest for structures of reaction intermediates
Elke De Zitter
09:00h - 09:30h
Modeling and interpretation of solution scattering experiments with all-atom MD simulations
Jochen Hub
11:00h - 11:30h
Light-triggers visualize quick biomolecular processes
Cristiano Viappiani
09:00h - 09:30h
Photoreactions of fluorescent proteins: from time-resolved spectroscopy to biological imaging
Agathe Espagne
09:00h - 09:30h
Tracking ATP-dependent protein dynamics in real time
Magnus Andersson
09:00h - 09:30h
Kenichi Ataka
11:00h - 11:30h
Petar Lambrev
11:00h - 11:30h
Practical Lab: Time-resolved Spectroscopy
Cristiano Viappiani: The rise and fall of excited states: an introduction to nanosecond time resolved spectroscopies for the study of excited state relaxation
15:30h - 16:20h
Meet the Expert
Lecturers from the field of time-resolved spectroscopy will be available to discuss with the students
15:30h - 16:00h
Practical Lab: Time-resolved Crystallography
Elke De Zitter: From time-resolved X-ray diffraction data to electron density
15:30h - 16:20h
Meet the Expert
Lecturers from the field of time-resolved crystallography will be available to discuss with the students
15:30h - 16:00h
Participants will have the chance to visit (at their own expenses) one of the following places: Zsolnay Cultural Quarter, The Champagne Factory, The Cathedral, The Mosque of Pasha Gazi Kassim, The Early Christian Catacombs (see details on the Programme Features page).
12:00h - 15:30h
Structural characterization of the BLUF photoreceptor OaPAC using time-resolved crystallography and FTIR spectroscopy
Robin Schubert
16:35h - 16:55h
Capturing proton relay intermediates in blue-light photoreceptor BLUF domain
Bei Ding
16:35h - 16:55h
Spectroscopic observation of hydrated proton complex in water-involved photo-induced proton-coupled electron transfer in BLUF domain mutants
Kailin Wang
16:35h - 16:50h
Structural and functional insights into pyridox(am)ine 5´-phosphate oxidase: species specific traits and regulatory mechanisms
Maribel Rivero
18:00h - 18:15h
Decoding transcription regulation by Mycobacterium smegmatis Gre factor homologue
Misra Yash
18:00h - 18:15h
Ultracold electrons for molecular movies of protein crystals
Julius Huijts
18:00h - 18:15h
Automatic data processing and results overview during serial femtosecond crystallography experiments at European XFEL
Oleksii Turkot
11:30h - 11:45h
Time-resolved site-specific vibrational spectroscopy of blue-light photoreceptors with a novel genetically encoded non-canonical amino acid
Aditi Chatterjee
11:30h - 11:45h
Microsecond time-resolved cryo-EM
Ulrich Lorenz
11:00h - 11:30h
Simulations of liquid jet explosions and shock waves induced by X-ray free electron lasers
Leonie Chatzimagas
17:15h - 17:30h
Probing photoswitching dynamics in red-absorbing flavoprotein ligand and charge transfer complexes
Amira Gharbi
17:15h - 17:30h
Photobleaching of fluorescent proteins: A diversity of photo-chemical pathways and their consequences for FLIM microscopy
Theo Béguin
17:15h - 17:30h
Sample characterization and laboratory support for time-resolved studies of light-sensitive biomolecules at the European XFEL
Christina Schmidt
15:30h - 15:45h
Time-resolved microsecond crystallography and time-resolved optical in crystallo spectroscopy at the ESRF
Samuel Rose
15:30h - 15:45h
Structural basis of photoactivation in reverse phytochromes through time-resolved serial crystallography
Petra Mészáros
15:30h - 15:45h
Ultrafast water rearrangements in phytochromes: unveiling a proton-coupled signaling transduction mechanism
Lukas Grunewald
15:30h - 15:45h
Exploring the structural dynamics of urocanate reductase
Nitisha Gurav
15:30h - 15:45h
Towards visualizing the B12-dependent photoreceptor CarH in action with time-resolved cryo-electron microscopy
Maria Davila-Miliani
12:30h - 12:45h
Bringing the ends together: Cryo-EM structures of prokaryotic Ku in complex with DNA define its unique role in NHEJ synapsis
Joydeep Baral
12:30h - 12:45h
Ultrafast photochemical processes provide microscopic insights into active site heterogeneity of flavoprotein amine oxidases
Bo Zhuang
17:15h - 17:30h
Investigating the excited state dynamics of transition metal photosensitisers using XFELs
Martin Appleby
17:15h - 17:30h